Monday, September 25, 2006

Keepin' the oil barons happy...

Changed my oil today. It didn't look horrible, but it was pretty dark. I figure it can't hurt. I may want to think about ordering some oil filters ahead of time just so I have them on hand... not that I'll ever be able to get that damned oil filter housing off again.

I attempted to remove the housing and ended up breaking 2 12mm sockets. BROKE THEM!! I'm guessing the sockets are cheap as hell pieces of crap. I'm going to have ot buy a replacement since I need that size. Luckily, they are not too expensive.

I also re-painted my helmet today, the same color as the bike so at least now I match. I hope it turns out well. The helmet is actually pretty beat up, but it still has a few good months left in it. It's a garnet red color now, and if I do say so myself, it looks pretty sharp.

So I filled up my tank today. I think the reason I was getting some weird noises from the bike is because the fuel was getting low, and it was heavy with seafoam. That was evidenced by a cloud of white smoke that blasted out of the tail pipe when I was revving it. The bike was really running badly, so the gas was a necessary thing. As I was pulling out of the gas station parking lot, I noticed, too late, that I was heading the wrong way on a one way street. Not a big deal, right? As long as I could get out of the way in time, no harm, no foul. Well, the cop that was heading towards me thought differently. Of course he pulled me over. I realized what a stupid mistake it was as soon as I had done it, so it wasn't an intentional breaking of the holy law of the road crime. Luckily, the cop was sympathetic and let me off with a warning. As he is lecturing me, another cop pulls up behind him, lights flashing. Then, not 3 minutes later, someone else gets pulled over right across the street from me! What was going on!? It was like cop convention week!

Well, I should consider myself lucky I didn't get a ticket. Our insurance rates just went down again, so I want to keep it low. Stupid mistakes...

Not much time for riding tomorrow, though I do need to run it a bit to get the oil circulating. I have school in the morning, then work the evening. Only 4 more days til the trip!!

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