Thursday, September 28, 2006

One more day

The time is drawing nearer. I'm really feeling rather apprehensive about going to Canada. I've always been a bit of a homebody, so this trip, by myself, to another country, is a bit disconcerting. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I can't help worrying about what might go wrong.

The bike seems to be running fairly well, so I think it will make it ok. I have all of my seafoam and parts packed, but will recheck everything once more before I take off. I plan to leave about 4:00, and if time is on my side, I'll be to my destination in 6 hours. That'll put me about 10:00 when I pull in, but then again, I may arrive sooner. I still need to pack my clothes and essentials, but that will only take a few minutes, really.

The countdown has started... T minus 1 day, 12 hours to go...

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