Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Big list today

I have lots of things planned today.

* Reinstall the valve cover
- High tack and silicone grease from HF
* Oil change (with new oil filter)
* Pull carbs
- Bench sync
- Fuel level check in wells
* Compression test
* Get it RUNNING!!

I know, quite a list of things to do, but since it's raining, things should go rather smoothly. (crosses fingers). I'd like for this to be the last time I tear those blasted carbs off the bike. Likewise, if I never remove the gasket cover again, it'll be too soon. It's not that anything was particularly difficult, I just want to ride the thing.

I've done a lot the last few days, more than I've ever done before. If someone told me I would be checking valve clearances and pulling the carbs off my bike 4 times, I'd think they were crazy.

I'll be posting pics later today.

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